
To begin, click on "Log In" at the top. On the next page, please be sure to click on the Log In link.


This QR Code allows our staff to access your account quickly for Check-In and Check-Out, as well as other processes.

For Check-In, to decrease your wait time, we recommend you take a screenshot of your QR code to have ready for our staff to scan as you move through the Check-In line


Sign Up for GradGuard Insurance

Need Renter's Insurance for your stay on campus? Sign up for GradGuard.

You can also access these with the tabs at the top of the screen:

Housing Application: Click on the "Housing Application" link to apply for on-campus housing with the University of Memphis.

Requests: Click on the "Requests" link and select the type of request you are submitting: Housing Cancellations, Financial Appeals, and more.

Maintenance: Current residents may use the "Maintenance" links to enter a maintenance request.

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